Database '3D-footprint 20231221' (DNA Binding Motifs 1501-1550)

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Pages: 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930,  31

AccessionsNamesConsensusOrganismsDescription and notes
4r2e_AWilms tumor protein, isoform 4/CRA_aGCGTGGGcGGHomo sapiensWilms Tumor Protein (WT1) zinc fingers in complex with methylated

4r2p_AWilms tumor protein, isoform 4/CRA_agCGTGGGGtHomo sapiensWilms Tumor Protein (WT1) zinc fingers in complex with hydroxymethylated

4r2q_AWilms tumor protein, isoform 4/CRA_aaGCCCACGCHomo sapiensWilms Tumor Protein (WT1) zinc fingers in complex with formylated

4r2r_AWilms tumor protein, isoform 4/CRA_aAGCCCACGCHomo sapiensWilms Tumor Protein (WT1) zinc fingers in complex with carboxylated

4r2s_AWilms tumor protein, isoform 4/CRA_aannCCCACGCHomo sapiensWilms Tumor Protein (WT1) Q369P zinc fingers in complex with

6fix_ABDEXRE family transcriptional regulatorACnnnTaAnnTTAAnnnTTPseudomonas putidaantitoxin GraA in complex with its operator
6fix_DXRE family transcriptional regulatortTAaPseudomonas putidaantitoxin GraA in complex with its operator
1jk1_AZIF268cCGCCCaCGCMus musculusZif268 D20A Mutant Bound to WT DNA Site
1jk2_AZIF268GCGtGGGCMus musculusZif268 D20A mutant bound to the GCT DNA site
6ml2_AZinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 24cAGGTCCtGGMus musculusZBTB24 Zinc Fingers 4-8 with 19+1mer DNA Oligonucleotide (Sequence 1)
6ml3_AZinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 24CTTCCAGGACCTgMus musculusZBTB24 Zinc Fingers 4-8 with 19+1mer DNA Oligonucleotide (Sequence 2)
6ml4_AZinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 24CGTCCAGGACCTgMus musculusBTB24 Zinc Fingers 4-8 with 19+1mer DNA Oligonucleotide (Sequence 3)
6ml5_AZinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 24cAGGTCCTGgACGMus musculusZBTB24 Zinc Fingers 4-8 with 19+1mer DNA Oligonucleotide (Sequence 4)
6ml6_AZinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 24CGTCCAGGACCTMus musculusZBTB24 Zinc Fingers 4-8 with 19+1mer DNA Oligonucleotide (Sequence 4

6ml7_AZinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 24AGGTCCTGGAmGaMus musculusZBTB24 Zinc Fingers 4-8 with 19+1mer DNA Oligonucleotide (Sequence 4

3uk3_CZinc finger protein 217TTCTGCAHomo sapiensCrystal structure of ZNF217 bound to DNA
3uk3_CDZinc finger protein 217TGCAGAATnnATTCTGCAHomo sapiensCrystal structure of ZNF217 bound to DNA
4f2j_CZinc finger protein 217TGcaGHomo sapiensCrystal structure of ZNF217 bound to DNA, P6522 crystal form
4is1_CDZinc finger protein 217TGCAGAATnnATTCTGCAHomo sapiensCrystal structure of ZNF217 bound to DNA
4is1_DZinc finger protein 217TGCAGAATHomo sapiensCrystal structure of ZNF217 bound to DNA
5v3j_FZinc finger protein 568GGCGTGGCACAGGTAAAAAGGGCMus musculusmouseZFP568-ZnF1-10 in complex with DNA
5v3m_CZinc finger protein 568GcCCTyntTACCTGTGCCACGCCMus musculusmouseZFP568-ZnF1-11 in complex with DNA
5wjq_DZinc finger protein 568TGGnCGTGGCaCrGGTaAnwAGGGMus musculusmouseZFP568-ZnF2-11 in complex with DNA
4gzn_CZinc finger protein 57TGCGGCAMus musculusMouse ZFP57 zinc fingers in complex with methylated DNA
4m9v_CZinc finger protein 57TGCGCAMus musculusZfp57 mutant (E182Q) in complex with 5-carboxylcytosine DNA
2kmk_AZinc finger protein Gfi-1GGcAtTGATRattus norvegicusGfi-1 Zinc Fingers 3-5 complexed with DNA
5yi2_ABZinc transport transcriptional regulatorTTaAAnAGTTAAALactococcus lactis
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (strain IL1403)
Structure of Lactococcus lactis ZitR, wild type in complex with

5yi2_EFZinc transport transcriptional regulatorTtaACnAGTTAALactococcus lactis
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (strain IL1403)
Structure of Lactococcus lactis ZitR, wild type in complex with

5yi2_IJZinc transport transcriptional regulatorTwAACyrGTTAALactococcus lactis
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (strain IL1403)
Structure of Lactococcus lactis ZitR, wild type in complex with

5yi2_JZinc transport transcriptional regulatorrGTtAALactococcus lactis
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (strain IL1403)
Structure of Lactococcus lactis ZitR, wild type in complex with

5yi3_IZinc transport transcriptional regulatorTTAACTLactococcus lactis
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (strain IL1403)
Structure of Lactococcus lactis ZitR, C30S mutant in complex with

5yi3_MNZinc transport transcriptional regulatorTTAACTnGTTaALactococcus lactis
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (strain IL1403)
Structure of Lactococcus lactis ZitR, C30S mutant in complex with

4mtd_ABCDZinc uptake regulation proteinTGAaATGTTATAAyATnACAEscherichia coli
strain K12
Zinc Uptake Regulator Complexed With Zinc AND DNA
4mtd_BZinc uptake regulation proteinTATAATAEscherichia coli
strain K12
Zinc Uptake Regulator Complexed With Zinc AND DNA
4mte_ABCDZinc uptake regulation proteinTGAnATGnTATAATATCACAEscherichia coli
strain K12
Zinc Uptake Regulator Complexed with Zinc and DNA
4mte_DZinc uptake regulation proteinTATcACAEscherichia coli
strain K12
Zinc Uptake Regulator Complexed with Zinc and DNA
5szx_ABZta transcription factortTGCTCAEpstein-Barr virus (strain B95-8) (HHV-4)
Human herpesvirus 4
Epstein-Barr virus Zta DNA binding domain homodimer in complex with


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These data are available AS IS and at your own risk. The EEAD/CSIC do not give any representation or warranty nor assume any liability or responsibility for the data nor the results posted (whether as to their accuracy, completeness, quality or otherwise). Access to these data is available free of charge for ordinary use in the course of research. Downloaded data have CC-BY-NC-SA license. FootprintDB is also available at RSAT::Plants, part of the INB/ELIXIR-ES resources portfolio.