DNA Binding Motif

Accessions: POU2F1_EOMES_2_3_4_5 (HumanTF2 1.0)
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Libraries: HumanTF2 1.0 1
1 Jolma A, Yin Y, Nitta KR, Dave K, Popov A, Taipale M, Enge M, Kivioja T, Morgunova E, Taipale J. DNA-dependent formation of transcription factor pairs alters their binding specificity. Nature 527:384-8 (2015). [Pubmed]
Notes: Site type: heterodimeric; Experiment type: CAP-SELEX
Length: 30
Consensus: gmaTATKCrGyGykAwwtmrryttmrCrCb
01 692 416 1205 742 g
02 1155 905 465 530 m
03 1438 316 555 744 a
04 153 585 277 3055 T
05 3055 1 3 13 A
06 29 77 108 3055 T
07 177 10 3055 1235 K
08 74 3055 251 120 C
09 1495 265 899 395 r
10 95 471 2111 378 G
11 422 1278 108 1246 y
12 240 85 3055 5 G
13 442 1286 281 1769 y
14 707 968 3055 1850 k
15 3055 101 315 229 A
16 1216 444 562 832 w
17 1242 246 632 935 w
18 420 503 621 1512 t
19 889 939 723 504 m
20 835 706 847 666 r
21 1008 524 943 580 r
22 510 790 433 1321 y
23 716 743 650 945 t
24 462 555 183 1855 t
25 966 1185 738 166 m
26 1138 205 999 713 r
27 35 3055 49 175 C
28 1817 74 1238 79 r
29 316 3055 403 288 C
30 409 854 834 958 b
Type: Heterodimer
Binding TFs: EOMES_TF2 (T-box)
POU2F1_TF1 (Homeobox domain, Pou domain - N-terminal to homeobox domain)
Publications: Jolma A, Yin Y, Nitta KR, Dave K, Popov A, Taipale M, Enge M, Kivioja T, Morgunova E, Taipale J. DNA-dependent formation of transcription factor pairs alters their binding specificity. Nature 527:384-8 (2015). [Pubmed]

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