DNA Binding Motif

Accessions: TBX19_methyl_1 (HT-SELEX2 May2017)
Names: TBX19
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Libraries: HT-SELEX2 May2017 1
1 Yin Y, Morgunova E, Jolma A, Kaasinen E, Sahu B, Khund-Sayeed S, Das PK, Kivioja T, Dave K, Zhong F, Nitta KR, Taipale M, Popov A, Ginno PA, Domcke S, Yan J, Schübeler D, Vinson C, Taipale J. Impact of cytosine methylation on DNA binding specificities of human transcription factors. Science : (2017). [Pubmed]
Length: 21
Consensus: wAcGTGtkAawtTmaCACcTh
01 6005 2817 4449 4952 w
02 17041 883 1792 1723 A
03 2972 6382 4424 4445 c
04 2160 540 17181 1287 G
05 12 2086 71 17640 T
06 95 2 18171 21 G
07 1570 5851 430 15984 t
08 357 1507 10113 7586 k
09 18100 42 395 70 A
10 8098 4440 1415 4271 a
11 8669 753 640 8161 w
12 4400 1569 4440 7815 t
13 64 1154 76 17813 T
14 5313 7253 4474 1184 m
15 15488 643 5763 2119 a
16 20 18184 24 93 C
17 17616 113 2004 22 A
18 774 17789 277 1149 C
19 3072 15245 4404 1902 c
20 1843 1925 737 16898 T
21 4758 4626 2407 6432 h
Binding TFs: TBX19 (T-box)
Publications: Yin Y, Morgunova E, Jolma A, Kaasinen E, Sahu B, Khund-Sayeed S, Das PK, Kivioja T, Dave K, Zhong F, Nitta KR, Taipale M, Popov A, Ginno PA, Domcke S, Yan J, Schübeler D, Vinson C, Taipale J. Impact of cytosine methylation on DNA binding specificities of human transcription factors. Science : (2017). [Pubmed]

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