DNA Binding Site

Accessions: ECK125140757 (RegulonDB 7.5)
Organisms: ECK12
Libraries: RegulonDB 7.5 1
1 Salgado H, Peralta-Gil M, Gama-Castro S, Santos-Zavaleta A, Muniz-Rascado L, Garcia-Sotelo JS, Weiss V, Solano-Lira H, Martinez-Flores I, Medina-Rivera A, Salgado-Osorio G, Alquicira-Hernandez S, Alquicira-Hernandez K, Lopez-Fuentes A, Porron-Sotelo L, Huerta AM, Bonavides-Martinez C, Balderas-Martinez YI, Pannier L, Olvera M, Labastida A, Jimenez-Jacinto V, Vega-Alvarado L, Del Moral-Chavez V, Hernandez-Alvarez A, Morett E, Collado-Vides J. RegulonDB v8.0: omics data sets, evolutionary conservation, regulatory phrases, cross-validated gold standards and more. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan 1;41(D1):D203-D213. [Pubmed]
Length: 42
Sequence: aataagttatGAATTTAGCCAAAGCTATGTTTagtgtatttt
Binding TFs: ECK120007481 (MarR family, Iron dependent repressor, N-terminal DNA binding domain, Iron dependent repressor, metal binding and dimerisation domain, Winged helix-turn-helix DNA-binding)
Binding Motifs: MntR raTwTAGCmmarGCTATrTtw

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