DNA Binding Motif

Accessions: UN0463.1 (JASPAR 2024)
Names: Pax3-7-like
Organisms: Ciona intestinalis
Libraries: JASPAR 2024 1
1 Rauluseviciute I, Riudavets-Puig R, Blanc-Mathieu R, Castro-Mondragon JA, Ferenc K, Kumar V, Lemma RB, Lucas J, Cheneby J, Baranasic D, Khan A, Fornes O, Gundersen S, Johansen M, Hovig E, Lenhard B, Sandelin A, Wasserman WW, Parcy F, Mathelier A. JASPAR 2024: 20th anniversary of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles. Nucleic Acids Res : (2023). [Pubmed]
Notes: SELEX
Length: 20
Consensus: wwwawwaATTGATtwwttww
01 280 212 225 283 w
02 286 213 221 279 w
03 314 218 217 251 w
04 313 214 227 246 a
05 279 209 209 303 w
06 255 174 151 420 w
07 456 165 211 168 a
08 915 23 26 36 A
09 48 40 29 883 T
10 31 118 57 794 T
11 146 53 749 52 G
12 876 32 49 43 A
13 29 21 21 930 T
14 161 202 158 479 t
15 390 153 181 276 w
16 298 202 212 289 w
17 242 219 220 319 t
18 234 206 226 334 t
19 267 212 219 303 w
20 266 217 221 295 w
Type: Heterodimer
Binding TFs: Q4H2Y9 (Homeobox domain, Homeobox KN domain)

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