DNA Binding Motif

Accessions: MA1843.1 (JASPAR 2024)
Names: AP4
Organisms: Ciona intestinalis
Libraries: JASPAR 2024 1
1 Rauluseviciute I, Riudavets-Puig R, Blanc-Mathieu R, Castro-Mondragon JA, Ferenc K, Kumar V, Lemma RB, Lucas J, Cheneby J, Baranasic D, Khan A, Fornes O, Gundersen S, Johansen M, Hovig E, Lenhard B, Sandelin A, Wasserman WW, Parcy F, Mathelier A. JASPAR 2024: 20th anniversary of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles. Nucleic Acids Res : (2023). [Pubmed]
Notes: SELEX
Length: 20
Consensus: gwwrawCAGCTGathawcar
01 238 194 360 208 g
02 274 233 238 255 w
03 270 232 221 276 w
04 309 184 275 232 r
05 610 140 156 93 a
06 296 118 59 527 w
07 23 938 20 19 C
08 980 5 7 8 A
09 5 19 963 13 G
10 15 961 20 5 C
11 5 4 4 986 T
12 4 5 986 5 G
13 613 43 96 247 a
14 97 165 141 597 t
15 251 274 188 287 h
16 305 217 232 246 a
17 281 232 237 251 w
18 230 362 193 216 c
19 363 246 185 206 a
20 256 222 302 220 r
Type: Heterodimer
Binding TFs: Q4H3W8 (Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain)
Publications: Simionato E, Ledent V, Richards G, Thomas-Chollier M, Kerner P, Coornaert D, Degnan BM, Vervoort M. Origin and diversification of the basic helix-loop-helix gene family in metazoans: insights from comparative genomics. BMC Evol Biol : (2007). [Pubmed]

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