DNA Binding Motif

Accessions: RFX5_3 (HT-SELEX2 May2017)
Names: RFX5
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Libraries: HT-SELEX2 May2017 1
1 Yin Y, Morgunova E, Jolma A, Kaasinen E, Sahu B, Khund-Sayeed S, Das PK, Kivioja T, Dave K, Zhong F, Nitta KR, Taipale M, Popov A, Ginno PA, Domcke S, Yan J, Schübeler D, Vinson C, Taipale J. Impact of cytosine methylation on DNA binding specificities of human transcription factors. Science : (2017). [Pubmed]
Length: 19
Consensus: sGTTgCyAkGcGTTGCyak
01 3481 16005 11476 8463 s
02 1230 449 38921 316 G
03 513 745 809 38905 T
04 7167 6045 667 37033 T
05 12638 796 34346 4589 g
06 1469 34530 2859 9496 C
07 341 11952 2552 26600 y
08 30070 958 7957 3409 A
09 7332 7223 10261 14609 k
10 3174 5227 29684 1340 G
11 808 22239 9613 6765 c
12 1633 0 38866 67 G
13 128 138 135 39325 T
14 3548 3129 114 38346 T
15 10023 530 34865 3534 G
16 558 35109 1338 8863 C
17 577 14712 3133 23420 y
18 27360 1990 10157 3675 a
19 6811 6739 11755 14119 k
Binding TFs: RFX5 (RFX DNA-binding domain, Poxvirus D5 protein-like)
Publications: Yin Y, Morgunova E, Jolma A, Kaasinen E, Sahu B, Khund-Sayeed S, Das PK, Kivioja T, Dave K, Zhong F, Nitta KR, Taipale M, Popov A, Ginno PA, Domcke S, Yan J, Schübeler D, Vinson C, Taipale J. Impact of cytosine methylation on DNA binding specificities of human transcription factors. Science : (2017). [Pubmed]

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