DNA Binding Motif

Accessions: FOXA3_methyl_2 (HT-SELEX2 May2017)
Names: FOXA3
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Libraries: HT-SELEX2 May2017 1
1 Yin Y, Morgunova E, Jolma A, Kaasinen E, Sahu B, Khund-Sayeed S, Das PK, Kivioja T, Dave K, Zhong F, Nitta KR, Taipale M, Popov A, Ginno PA, Domcke S, Yan J, Schübeler D, Vinson C, Taipale J. Impact of cytosine methylation on DNA binding specificities of human transcription factors. Science : (2017). [Pubmed]
Length: 20
Consensus: tWrwGTmAATATTTrCwywr
01 1690 2163 948 3868 t
02 2441 149 61 6073 W
03 5054 227 2824 563 r
04 3549 384 556 4323 w
05 144 25 8545 83 G
06 7 1155 17 7773 T
07 5546 3119 5 18 m
08 8665 9 4 14 A
09 8651 4 2 16 A
10 0 113 0 8655 T
11 8668 0 14 1 A
12 19 6 4 8658 T
13 13 4 14 8666 T
14 54 0 1473 7157 T
15 3673 5 4989 25 r
16 165 7011 55 1525 C
17 2877 995 1098 3699 w
18 226 2759 165 5631 y
19 5888 30 151 2658 w
20 3388 736 2973 1571 r
Binding TFs: FOXA3 (Fork head domain, Forkhead N-terminal region, HNF3 C-terminal domain)
Publications: Yin Y, Morgunova E, Jolma A, Kaasinen E, Sahu B, Khund-Sayeed S, Das PK, Kivioja T, Dave K, Zhong F, Nitta KR, Taipale M, Popov A, Ginno PA, Domcke S, Yan J, Schübeler D, Vinson C, Taipale J. Impact of cytosine methylation on DNA binding specificities of human transcription factors. Science : (2017). [Pubmed]

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