DNA Binding Motif

Accessions: M0676 (AthalianaCistrome v4_May2016)
Names: ANAC103.DAP, T25504;
Organisms: Arabidopsis thaliana
Libraries: AthalianaCistrome v4_May2016 1
1 O'Malley RC, Huang SS, Song L, Lewsey MG, Bartlett A, Nery JR, Galli M, Gallavotti A, Ecker JR. Cistrome and Epicistrome Features Shape the Regulatory DNA Landscape. Cell 165:1280-92 (2016). [Pubmed]
Length: 21
Consensus: grwAACTTGbkgwrCAAGthA
01 123 70 339 68 g
02 225 32 256 87 r
03 257 4 9 330 w
04 463 0 129 8 A
05 451 3 130 16 A
06 0 598 1 1 C
07 1 3 100 496 T
08 0 1 0 599 T
09 5 25 556 14 G
10 123 160 158 159 b
11 131 65 166 238 k
12 127 101 239 133 g
13 250 115 65 170 w
14 201 143 156 100 r
15 12 537 25 26 C
16 600 0 0 0 A
17 490 110 0 0 A
18 2 0 586 12 G
19 66 135 94 305 t
20 153 179 11 257 h
21 454 9 39 98 A
Binding TFs: T25504 (No apical meristem (NAM) protein)
Publications: O'Malley RC, Huang SS, Song L, Lewsey MG, Bartlett A, Nery JR, Galli M, Gallavotti A, Ecker JR. Cistrome and Epicistrome Features Shape the Regulatory DNA Landscape. Cell 165:1280-92 (2016). [Pubmed]

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