DNA Binding Motif

Accessions: IRF8_methyl_1 (HT-SELEX2 May2017)
Names: IRF8
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Libraries: HT-SELEX2 May2017 1
1 Yin Y, Morgunova E, Jolma A, Kaasinen E, Sahu B, Khund-Sayeed S, Das PK, Kivioja T, Dave K, Zhong F, Nitta KR, Taipale M, Popov A, Ginno PA, Domcke S, Yan J, Schübeler D, Vinson C, Taipale J. Impact of cytosine methylation on DNA binding specificities of human transcription factors. Science : (2017). [Pubmed]
Length: 15
Consensus: ryGAAAsyGAAAsyr
01 696 526 606 482 r
02 307 1500 243 810 y
03 260 33 2309 64 G
04 2309 171 77 79 A
05 2309 40 119 401 A
06 2309 45 0 120 A
07 132 1493 816 82 s
08 76 1156 41 1153 y
09 128 7 2309 18 G
10 2309 260 63 81 A
11 2309 67 245 562 A
12 2309 67 18 158 A
13 123 1666 644 86 s
14 406 1040 184 1270 y
15 847 425 663 374 r
Binding TFs: IRF8 (Interferon regulatory factor transcription factor)
Publications: Yin Y, Morgunova E, Jolma A, Kaasinen E, Sahu B, Khund-Sayeed S, Das PK, Kivioja T, Dave K, Zhong F, Nitta KR, Taipale M, Popov A, Ginno PA, Domcke S, Yan J, Schübeler D, Vinson C, Taipale J. Impact of cytosine methylation on DNA binding specificities of human transcription factors. Science : (2017). [Pubmed]

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