DNA Binding Motif

Accessions: MA1867.1 (JASPAR 2024)
Names: FoxI-b
Organisms: Ciona intestinalis
Libraries: JASPAR 2024 1
1 Rauluseviciute I, Riudavets-Puig R, Blanc-Mathieu R, Castro-Mondragon JA, Ferenc K, Kumar V, Lemma RB, Lucas J, Cheneby J, Baranasic D, Khan A, Fornes O, Gundersen S, Johansen M, Hovig E, Lenhard B, Sandelin A, Wasserman WW, Parcy F, Mathelier A. JASPAR 2024: 20th anniversary of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles. Nucleic Acids Res : (2023). [Pubmed]
Notes: SELEX
Length: 20
Consensus: wtkttwwTGTTTAywwwaha
01 276 196 219 309 w
02 219 211 195 375 t
03 230 178 253 339 k
04 184 157 188 472 t
05 247 192 232 329 t
06 312 133 166 389 w
07 292 103 133 472 w
08 9 6 4 981 T
09 227 3 761 8 G
10 6 6 3 985 T
11 56 3 67 874 T
12 4 3 55 939 T
13 821 8 69 102 A
14 74 479 151 295 y
15 422 68 117 394 w
16 327 217 127 329 w
17 626 45 54 275 w
18 591 122 62 225 a
19 253 405 75 266 h
20 641 111 79 170 a
Type: Heterodimer
Binding TFs: Q4H3I5 (Fork head domain)
Publications: José-Edwards DS, Oda-Ishii I, Kugler JE, Passamaneck YJ, Katikala L, Nibu Y, Di Gregorio A. Brachyury, Foxa2 and the cis-Regulatory Origins of the Notochord. PLoS Genet : (2015). [Pubmed]

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