DNA Binding Motif

Accessions: RFX5_methyl_1 (HT-SELEX2 May2017)
Names: RFX5
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Libraries: HT-SELEX2 May2017 1
1 Yin Y, Morgunova E, Jolma A, Kaasinen E, Sahu B, Khund-Sayeed S, Das PK, Kivioja T, Dave K, Zhong F, Nitta KR, Taipale M, Popov A, Ginno PA, Domcke S, Yan J, Schübeler D, Vinson C, Taipale J. Impact of cytosine methylation on DNA binding specificities of human transcription factors. Science : (2017). [Pubmed]
Length: 19
Consensus: sGTtGyyrkGsGTTGyyrk
01 1351 5282 5890 3851 s
02 686 230 16185 177 G
03 272 366 689 16108 T
04 3000 4793 566 14955 t
05 4171 470 14782 1956 G
06 1072 13597 2683 6251 y
07 337 6234 1026 9936 y
08 9104 415 6796 1327 r
09 2586 2501 5842 5446 k
10 943 1597 13129 705 G
11 426 7574 4750 3624 s
12 1001 29 16167 65 G
13 136 159 112 16284 T
14 1423 3710 154 15500 T
15 3812 274 14925 1425 G
16 451 13753 1688 6356 y
17 346 7528 981 8541 y
18 8274 732 7608 1204 r
19 2438 2404 6311 5222 k
Binding TFs: RFX5 (RFX DNA-binding domain, Poxvirus D5 protein-like)
Publications: Yin Y, Morgunova E, Jolma A, Kaasinen E, Sahu B, Khund-Sayeed S, Das PK, Kivioja T, Dave K, Zhong F, Nitta KR, Taipale M, Popov A, Ginno PA, Domcke S, Yan J, Schübeler D, Vinson C, Taipale J. Impact of cytosine methylation on DNA binding specificities of human transcription factors. Science : (2017). [Pubmed]

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