DNA Binding Motif

Accessions: MA1886.1 (JASPAR 2024)
Names: Hox5
Organisms: Ciona intestinalis
Libraries: JASPAR 2024 1
1 Rauluseviciute I, Riudavets-Puig R, Blanc-Mathieu R, Castro-Mondragon JA, Ferenc K, Kumar V, Lemma RB, Lucas J, Cheneby J, Baranasic D, Khan A, Fornes O, Gundersen S, Johansen M, Hovig E, Lenhard B, Sandelin A, Wasserman WW, Parcy F, Mathelier A. JASPAR 2024: 20th anniversary of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles. Nucleic Acids Res : (2023). [Pubmed]
Notes: SELEX
Length: 20
Consensus: wwwwwrtTAATTGsttwtww
01 296 199 233 272 w
02 278 199 235 289 w
03 288 203 244 265 w
04 290 210 242 258 w
05 258 242 236 265 w
06 274 224 287 215 r
07 245 214 233 308 t
08 42 29 19 910 T
09 874 25 41 60 A
10 944 11 16 28 A
11 51 20 35 894 T
12 56 53 108 783 T
13 171 37 723 70 G
14 224 271 265 241 s
15 215 242 249 295 t
16 248 225 233 294 t
17 254 211 212 323 w
18 243 204 221 331 t
19 252 202 218 328 w
20 263 199 217 321 w
Type: Heterodimer
Binding TFs: Q4H3C5 (Homeobox domain)
Publications: José-Edwards DS, Oda-Ishii I, Kugler JE, Passamaneck YJ, Katikala L, Nibu Y, Di Gregorio A. Brachyury, Foxa2 and the cis-Regulatory Origins of the Notochord. PLoS Genet : (2015). [Pubmed]

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